Sunday, April 11, 2010

Official Results and "Diploma"

12 Hours since race started.

Here is my official "Diploma" with all of my time splits and my final official time: 4:33:55.

My split at the half was almost 3 minutes faster than what I did in Denver, and as you can see, I faded a bit after that. I will admit that up until the half way mark, I still had two conflicting goals: A) Just to Finish and B) to finish within 4:15. Once I realized that I was not going make 4:15, I settled into a reasonable pace and enjoyed my surroundings.

FYI the difference between the "Real" time of 4:33:55 and the time of 4:49:19 is because it took us about 15 minutes to actually get to the start line from where we were being staged after the starting gun had been fired and the clock started. I started my watch when I crossed the start line and stopped it when I crossed the finish and my watch has 4:33:53 on taking into account a couple of seconds of error, 4:33:55 is the time it actually took me to run the 26.2 Miles /42.2 Kms. We were so far back from the start line, I probably walked an additional 1/2 Km before we got to the start line. We didn't even move an inch for about 5 minutes after they said "Et c'est parti" ("and they're off").

More thoughts on the experience after I get some shut-eye. Anita and I just returned from a lovely dinner at a quaint bistro just off the Champs Elysees, complete with a requisite rude French waiter...a true Parisian experience :-)


8 hours 45 minutes since race started

I will post some post-race thoughts shortly. But I'm done. It's over. Unofficial time: 4 Hours, 33 minutes, 53 seconds. What an adventure!

Now believe it or not I can still walk, so it's time to head out for dinner. I am HUNGRY, and we're NOT got gonna have pasta again :-)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

A few people to thank

12 Hours 40 Minutes to Race time.

In just over 12 hours the race will begin. Before that happens, I need to thank a few people whose encouragement and support have helped get me here. This is as close as I'll probably get to giving an Oscar here I go:

Anita. What can I say about someone who has done so much to support me? When I first started my weight loss adventure, she gave up some of her own favorite foods to support me. She has been behind me every step of the way, and by the end of tomorrow she will deserve a medal as much as anyone. I love you!

The kids. Thanks to Sarah and Rashel for always making me laugh, and for coming to the Y with me lately and for not drinking my Cliff energy drinks, and for letting us go without you :-) And to Elsa for letting me give her a big hug when I had just come back from a run and was all sweaty and smelly.

To "le vieux" for his advice from his own mythical marathon career and the love and support he has given me over the last 42 years. Y a Adri tambien, por supuesto!

Some good friends who have also made this possible include Colleen and Brian for not only taking S&R for 10 days, but also the 8 week-old yet-to-be-named puppy we got one week before leaving for Paris. Diane for subbing for Anita's french class, and Nathalie for hosting us in Paris in her beautiful apartment just a few blocks away from the start line.

And finally thanks to everyone who has been following this blog and posting comments that have kept me going. On the plane over here the other night, Anita and I were saying that it was hard to believe that it was actually happening, and we wondered if this would have become reality if I had not started the blog. I must admit, keeping the blog going was a huge motivating would have been so easy to just say "eh, whatever" and forfeit my 75 Euro entry-fee. But knowing that people were reading this and rooting for me did give me a boost, so thanks to everyone!

That's it. The next post will not be "Running to Paris", but "Ran in Paris". Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Travel day and Marathon Expo

Here are a few pictures from our flight over, and from the Marathon Expo where I picked up my race package:

The weather in Paris looks good!

Hydrating at the Dallas Airport:

On board the plane:

Arriving at the Marathon Expo to pick up my race package:

The streets of Paris through which I will be running:

Can't get more real than this:

A birds-eye view of what Sunday will look like:


Couldn't have made it this far without Anita:

Today we are going to scope out the start/finish area and do some light walking. It is 8:50 a.m. Saturday as I finish this post exactly 24 hours I will already be running!

The eagle has landed

In Paris! 1 Day and 18 hours until race!

At 9:55 a.m. local time we landed in Paris. On the flight with us were at least half a dozen other marathoners, including one guy who pulled his hamstring just last weekend and will not be able to race....that seriously sucks!

We are getting settled at my friend Nathalie's apartment and then we are off to the Marathon Expo to get my race package.

More to follow!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bags are packed

3 Days 11 hours to Paris

Well, we are down to the wire now. Anita and I are almost finished packing. Our taxes are done. Tomorrow morning we head to the Denver airport for a noon flight to Dallas and our connection to Charles De Gaulle airport.

Stay tuned for some thoughts on Saturday as we explore the start/finish area, get situated and search for a final meal before the big day on Sunday.

It's hard to believe the time has come. Time to put the shoe rubber to the pavement.

Next stop....Paris !

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Final Countdown

6 Days 21 Hours to Paris.

By this time next week, one way or another, I will be done! Lots of things to get ready in this final week. Here's a quick recap of my training this past week, since my 16 mile long-run last Sunday:

Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday I ran 3.1 Miles (5K) each day followed by about 15-20 minutes additional cross training. Nice and easy pace (finishing in about 27-28 minutes) just to keep my fitness level up and to help in the recovery from my long-run.
Yesterday I took the kids skiing at Breckenridge. I know, I know, a bit foolish to risk injury so close to the race, but it was something we had been planning for a while, and the conditions were outstanding (albeit a bit snowy ... hard to believe it was April!). So, about 5 hours on the slopes surely equated to some good leg and knee conditioning.
Later this afternoon I will be doing 8 miles (12.8 Kms).

We will be flying out on Thursday, arriving in Paris on Friday morning. Once we get situated we will be heading to the Marathon Expo to pick up my race package and bib. I will have my computer with me, so I will definitely keep everyone posted on the last minute activities as we get ready for the big event on Sunday.

Late afternoon update: Ran my 8 mile loop in 1:15:58 (9:30 pace). Just slightly faster than last weeks first 1/2 split, but had a bit of a headwind for much of the run. All-in-all I felt pretty good. I'm as ready as I'll ever be at this point.